Thursday, July 19, 2001






Barcode Scanner Sheets

Explanations of Percon Codes (serial setup)
using the 00-000-35 MSR (single channel MSR)

D2 set everything to Percon default
4A0 channel 2 Disable
B604// preamble set to control-D
B51 code ID enabled
C8 use predefined serial defaults
C106 set baud rate to 19k
60023B// extra field 0 defined (STX or control-B,semicolon)
613F03// eXtra field 1 defined (?,ETX or control-C)
701 enable input definition 1
7131 only data coming from MSR channel 1 qualifies for input editing
7301 the number of fields will be 1
7C600161// output sequence:extra field 0, input field 1, extra field 1
EE save and exit


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