Thursday, July 19, 2001






Mailing List Export

IBID provides mechanisms for "exporting" your store’s customer mailing list in two basic formats. The first is called a fixed length ASCII (pronounced ass-key) file and the second is an ASCII comma-delimited file. In either case you must begin by creating a fixed length ASCII file. The procedures for creating these files are identical through Step II. The last part of Step II tells you what to do next, depending on what type of file you need. So, before setting out to create an export file, make sure you know which format is required by the service to which you are sending your data.


I. Generate the Customer List

1. From the Main Menu, select <F4> Customers and then <F2> Customer Profile.

2. Enter your customer selection criteria on the screen (or leave the screen blank) and then press <F13> Print.

3. When IBID prompts with the "Set Up System Printer" query, type F for Format and press <Enter>.

II. Save the Customer List to a File

1. On the Report Formatter Screen, use the up arrow to locate the cursor in the FORMAT NAME field.

2. In FORMAT NAME, press <F5> Next or <F6> Prior until MAILMERG appears.

3. Check the REPORT FILE field in the upper right hand corner to be sure it says MAILM.

4. Press <F13> Print.

5. IBID will respond with "Set up File MAILM001. RF[#] ?" Answer <Y>es. (The number at the end of the file name corresponds to your store number. Single independents will usually see 001 as part of the file name. Stores in a chain will see their own Store Number. The pound sign # on the file extension corresponds to the station at which you are working. For the purposes of copying the file to a floppy disk later in the process, make sure you write down the precise file name.)

6. IBID will then ask if you want a MEMO. Answer <N>o.

7. IBID may ask if you want to APPEND. Answer <N>o.

    1. When the list has been filed, answer <N>o when IBID asks if you want another copy and press <Esc> to return to the Customer Menu.

    2. If you do not need to convert your file to a Comma-Delimited file, to copy the file to a diskette, proceed to the section V titled "Copy the Fixed length ASCII file to a Floppy Disk." If you do need to convert the file to Coma-Delimited, proceed to the next section (III. Creating the Comma-Delimited ASCII File) and continue only through section IV.

III. Converting the fixed length ASCII file to the Comma-Delimited.

1. From the Customer Menu, choose <F4> Export Data.

2. Press <F4> on the Format Name MAILMERG to fill in the screen details.

3. Press <F12> Process. IBID automatically exports the list to an ASCII file named MAILMERG.ASC.

Press <Esc> to exit all the way out off IBID to the C:\IBID> prompt.


IV. Copy the Comma-Delimited ASCII file to a Floppy Disk.

With a formatted, blank floppy disk in the A: drive, type the following at the C:\IBID> prompt:

COPY MAILMERG.ASC A: (There is one space after COPY and one space after MAILMERG.ASC)

When the process is complete, you will see the message "One file copied" on the screen.

NOTE: Your MAILMERG file may exceed the storage capacity of one floppy disk. To determine the size of the file, at the C:\IBID> prompt, type DIR MAILMERG.ASC and press <Enter>. If the file is larger than 1.20MB (1,200,000 bytes) it won’t fit onto one 5.25" floppy. If the file is larger than 1.40MB (1,400,000 bytes) it won’t fit onto a 3.5" floppy.

You can compress (or "zip") the file so that it will fit on one floppy disk: most commercial mailing list companies have the PKUNZIP program which "unzips" a compressed file. First, make sure a formatted floppy disk is in your floppy drive. Then, to zip the file and copy it to the floppy, at the C:\IBID>prompt type:




When the process is complete, you should have a "zipped" file on your floppy disk with the name MAIL.ZIP.

V. Copy the Fixed length ASCII file to a Floppy Disk.

With a formatted, blank floppy disk in the A: drive, type the following at the C:\IBID> prompt:

COPY MAILM[#].RF[#] A: (There is one space after COPY and one space after the file name. The file name in this case should be identical to the name IBID reported when you saved you customer list to a file in Step II, number 5.)

When the process is complete, you will see the message "One file copied" on the screen.

NOTE: Your MAILMERGE file may exceed the storage capacity of one floppy disk. To determine the size of the file, at the C:\IBID> prompt, type DIR MAILM[#].RF[#] (the file name) and press <Enter>. If the file is larger than 1.20MB (1,200,000 bytes) it won’t fit onto one 5.25" floppy. If the file is larger than 1.40MB (1,400,000 bytes) it won’t fit onto a 3.5" floppy.

You can compress (or "zip") the file so that it will fit on one floppy disk: most commercial mailing list companies have the PKUNZIP program which "unzips" a compressed file. First, make sure a formatted floppy disk is in your floppy drive. Then, to zip the file and copy it to the floppy, at the C:\IBID>prompt type:


There is one space after PKUNZIP and one space after A:MAIL.

When the process is complete, you should have a "zipped" file on your floppy disk with the name MAIL.ZIP.


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